Our law firm is one of the few law firms west of the Mississippi River with the experience and knowledge required to represent coal miners and/or their spouses and their dependents in pursuing the relief provided by the Black Lung Benefits Act of 1969, as amended. Over the years our law firm has represented coal miners, their spouses and their dependents in Utah, Wyoming, Arizona and Nevada.
Relief is available to coal miners who have contracted certain lung disease(s) and are disabled, as a result of these lung diseases, due to their inhalation of coal dust while working in a coal mine. Relief is available to widows and dependents if their spouse’s / parent’s death was caused or hastened by a lung disease due to their spouse’s / parent’s inhalation of coal dust.
We represent coal miners and/or their dependents in the complex claims process, which typically includes representation before the U.S. Department of Labor, the Office of Administrative Law Judges, the Benefits Review Board and possibly the United States Circuit Court(s) of Appeal. Our clients do not pay any attorney’s fees for our representation. Instead, our fees are paid by the responsible coal mine operator if and when we ultimately prevail in your case.